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点击数:1410 更新时间:2018-02-08

there's no simple answer to what constitutes 'smart'. these days, we're inclined to think you can't go by intelligence quotient (iq) results alone, because while these tests are great for measuring separate mental faculties, an iq number doesn't seem to predict overall intelligence accurately enough.


then there is also a measurement called general intelligence or 'g factor'. it was first described by english psychologist charles spearman in 1904, and refers to the phenomenon that children who tend to do well at one subject also tend to excel at others; in simple terms, there is a positive correlation between kids' performance in unrelated school tests, which is referred to as a 'positive manifold'.

有种测量方法叫作“一般智力(general intelligence)”或称“g因素”。其最先由英国心理学家查尔斯·斯皮尔曼在1904年提出——指的是在一个学科上表现很好的儿童在其它科目上也可以超过其他人;简而言之,在无关联的各种学校测验中,孩子们在这些测试中的表现是相互联系的,被看成是一种“正极相关”(positive manifold')。

another commonly cited and prestigious comparison system is pisa, which measures "the competencies of 15-year-olds in reading, mathematics, and science (with a focus on mathematics) in 65 countries and economies", representing more than 80 percent of the world economy.


according to the latest pisa from 2012, shanghai-china students are the highest performers across the board, with above oecd-average scores in mathematics, reading, and science. you'll also find super-smart kids in singapore, hong kong-china, japan, korea, and finland.


  1. 中国最需教育的不是孩子,而是父母,尤其是爸爸!
  2. 家长要避免最易毁掉孩子的中国式教育误区
  3. 中国式“慈爱”教育,正在养出一帮不懂爱的懒孩子
  4. 【教育】在华30年的美国妈妈:中国人教育孩子的方式养出了一群懦夫和寄生虫
  5. 中国父母教育孩子的十大误区
  6. 专家称中国孩子需要“中西合璧”的国际教育