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【作者:李教员,编号58706 点击数:3987 更新时间:2015-05-30

argument 1
the author believes that the profit of apogee company would increase when it operates in one location. on the surface, this seems reasonable based on the facts that operation from a single location would save the money to rent office and could better supervise all employees in the company. however, this conclusion is based on the assumptions that aren't well supported.the primary assumption based on the conclusion is that operating in one location would no doubt lower the cost of the companies. moving all employees into one location means the company has to upgraded the existed work condition, such as redecorating the old office, upgrading the old facilities, or even renting more offices to fit the huge amount of employees. if these were true, then there is no garantee that the operational cost will be lower after moving all employees in one location.in addition. the author assume that gathering all employees in one location would also help maintain a good management and supervision for the company. in fact, this might not be true either. if the amount of employees in one office is getting larger, the organizational structure has to change as well. as the organization structure is becoming more and more complicated, the existed manager and supervisor might not have the abilities to manage such huge amount of employees, which lead the supervision of this company to be worse than before.to strengthen the argument, the author must show some pieves of evidence to support the assumptions. first of all, the author could provide some financial data to show that the cost of oprating one big office is really lower than operating multiple small branches. the author could also provide the detailed plan to help company to redesign their management structure to be more efficient so it could help maintain a good supervision of this company.agument 2the writer states that in order to improve the math skills of first grader, the school should require all teachers who attend the training program to take more math classes. on the surface, this seems a valid hypothesis. however, the writer make this conclusion based on several assumptions that aren't well-supported in this argument.first of all, the writer assumes that the reason that lacking math skills of first graders is the poor quality of math classes in this school. however, students' bad performance of math could has nothing to do with their teachers. if most students in this school are extremely hate mathematics or put zero efforts on their math class and homework, they could end up possessing little knowledge on math and performing badly on math exams, even though their teachers have done fantastic jobs to help them learn math.even though the under-performed of mathematics of third graders is really because the teachers haven't enough teaching skill. there is no guarantee that attending training programs would increase teachers' teaching skills. also based on the evidence shown in this argument, we don't know if this is the best way to increase teachers' teaching abilitiesfinally, the writer doesn't specify how many teacher in this school have attending the teacher-training program. if only entry level teachers are required to attend this program while the majority of the math teacher don't have to attend, then the overall quality of math classes wouldn't change much.in order to make this argument more valid, the writer should provide evident to prove that it's the teacher not the students themselves that are responsible for students' poor performance on math. then, the writer should also show some data to prove that, taking more math classes could greatly improve teachers' teaching skills about math and the majority of teachers in this school would attend this training program.          

argument 2
the author believes that studying at plateau college is a good choice for students who want to be successful after graduation. on the surface, the conclusion seems reasonable based on the evidence that most students who graduate from plateau college will pursue advanced degrees at olympus university in which students have lots of opportunities to get good jobs of engineering. however, the argument itself is not convincing because it relies on the assumptions that aren't well supported.the primary assumption underlying the conclusion is that most students who choose to study in plateau college are engineering major. however, the author provides no evidence to indicate that this is the case. if, for example, most students choose to study art or literature in plateau and have no interested in becoming engineers, it is unlikely that they would study in olympus university after graduating from plateau.in additions, the author assumes that students with engineering major in plateau would definitely go to olympus university to pursue their advanced degrees. in fact, the author doesn't mention that what percentage of graduates who choose olympus university is engineering major. perhaps most graduates who choose olympus university to study their masters are art students. without eliminating this possibility, it is impossible to tell if the author's proposal is valid.finally, the author also assume that graduates with science or engineering major in olympus unversity have always been provided great job opportunities and would also provide good jobs in the future. however, it could be that before last year, most engineering students in olympus university couldn't even find a job but government gave a big fund to school last year so the school started growing and offering exvellent jobs to the graduates.to strengthen the argument, the author must show some pieces of evidence to support all these assumptions that i've mentioned above. first of all, the author could survey alumis with engineering major in olympus university and see if the school did provide great job opportunities to them. second of all, the author could also survey students who currently study in plateau college and find out how many engineering students would like to go to olympus university to pursue their advanced degrees. 





  1. 张教员 华北电力大学(北京) mba
  2. 黄教员 北京第二外国语学院 日语(人文交流)
  3. 赵教员 中国青年政治学院 少年儿童组织与思想意识教育
  4. 焦教员 中国石油大学(北京) 人工智能
  5. 杨教员 中国科学院研究生院 电子信息
  6. 莫教员 海洋技术
  7. 马教员 生物科学
  8. 刘老师 尚无职称等级 数学
  9. 张教员 北京体育大学 运动人体科学
推荐科目: 篮球补习 书法学习 舞蹈学习 体育学习 围棋补习 俄语补习 游泳补习 语文补习 英语补习 物理补习 化学补习 生物补习 架子鼓补习 数学补习 雅思补习 托福补习 羽毛球补习 日语补习 钢琴学习 美术学习 小提琴学习 古筝学习 小学补习 初中补习 高中补习 高考补习 编程学习 作文补习 陪读补习
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