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当前位置:j9集团|j9国际站官网 > > 中美孩子家务清单对比爆红引家长咋舌(图)


【来源:易教网 点击数:5 更新时间:2023-12-26

comparison of chores for chinese and american children goes viral, american education is worth learning from

recently, a set of comics comparing the chores of chinese and american children went viral online, and parents in our newspaper's parent group have been sharing it. from childhood to adulthood, what do chinese and american children do? the comparison is striking. parents exclaimed, "after seeing this picture, we can't help but sigh."

learning vs. chores

what do chinese children do before the age of 2? they learn to recognize characters. what about american children? they learn to throw away diapers. and at the age of 3? chinese children can already recite many tang poems, while american children learn to throw away garbage and organize toys. we can't help but admire the versatility of chinese children, as they start learning while busy playing the piano and learning to dance from the age of four or five, all the way through high school. "learning is the children's chores" is vividly portrayed in the comics.

on the other hand, besides doing chores, american children are "idle" when it comes to studying. from 5 to 6 years old, they make beds, set the table, wipe tables, and tidy up their rooms... from 7 to 12 years old, they make simple meals, clean the bathroom, use the washing machine... from the age of 13 and above, they change light bulbs, cook, do laundry, trim the lawn...

"doing all the chores, big or small," is the greatest feeling that every parent who has seen the comics has toward american education.

parents are astonished by the "significant differences"

reporters have learned that this set of comics was produced by xinhua news agency's multimedia center. online, the comics sparked heated discussions among netizens. "this comic is a true reflection of my child at home," said netizen "sunshine rain." her daughter just turned 4 and is already attending dance and go (chinese chess) classes.








  1. 王老师 中学二级教师
  2. 英语专业
  3. 李教员 中央民族大学 声乐表演
  4. 扶教员 小学教育
  5. 赵教员 社会工作
  6. 徐老师 中学一级教师
  7. 吴教员 统计学
  8. 武教员 服装与艺术设计
  9. 辛教员 电子信息工程
  10. 范教员 英语(师范)
推荐科目: 篮球辅导 书法培训 舞蹈培训 围棋辅导 俄语辅导 游泳辅导 英语辅导 化学辅导 架子鼓辅导 数学辅导 托福辅导 钢琴培训 美术培训 小提琴培训 古筝培训 小学辅导 初中辅导 高考辅导 编程培训
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